Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sucide and Depression on the Rise for College Students

There has been some recent studies that have brought forth some pretty frightening news. College students are feeling the pressure now, more than ever.

We all know how tough it is to balance the school stress, the difficulty of adjusting to life on our and now with the recession, financial stress on top of that. The studies show that suicide is the third most common death cause among the 15 to 24 year old age group, and kills 3,900 people every year.

Depression is resulting from high anxiety and stress. Many college students deal with stress by going out and drinking with their friends, but the studies also said that alcohol only perpetuates the depression. This is leaving many to feel that they are stuck in a black hole, because what they think is helping is actually only making everything worse.

There are self-help groups and organizations being formed all across the country on university campuses with the hopes of being a guidance to any struggling college student.

The recession is causing many who have never even thought about money before, have a whole new stress to add to the ones already associated with college.

There is hope though, because it should be comforting to some that at least it is clear that you are not alone in your worries. There is help out there, easier said than done, but DON'T STRESS!

1 comment:

  1. I think people our age need to remember to slow down for just 5 minutes a day to practice some deep breathing, especially when the stress starts running high. That's helped me more than anything.
